Methsof at LNC 2017


Methsof attended the LASA National Congress on the Gold Coast between October 15th-18th to officially launch DiamondCare – a revolutionary controlled drug register platform specifically designed for Aged Care Facilities.

Methsof met with numerous Aged Care groups, standalone facilities as well as various industry bodies and related businesses that work in Aged Care medication management. Based on the successful meetings we held and positive product feedback, Methsof are very excited to be launching DiamondCare into the Aged Care industry in 2018!

For more information on DiamondCare, please contact Methsof on 03 9867 2785 or email

Methsof at APP2017

Methsof at APP2017

Methsof exhibited at APP2017 on the Gold Coast.

Without doubt, APP is the premier pharmacy conference in Australia.

This year a record numbers of delegates and exhibitors provided for a great time for all.

Once again, the Methsof booth was busy and we enjoyed catching up with so many of our customers and partners.


Methsof at APP2015

Methsof at APP 2015

Methsof exhibited at APP2015 on the Gold Coast.

Once again the Methsof booth was a hub of activity where we had the opportunity to meet many pharmacists and demo our products.

APP keeps getting bigger and better and this year was no exception.

There was a great atmosphere and it was so nice to see the industry getting togther in this way.

We would like to thank all of those who took the time to visit our booth.

Methsof at APP2014

Methsof exhibited at APP2014 on the Gold Coast.

The conference started off with a freight mishap which meant our booth was not as planned but thankfully everyone was understanding about this.

The Gold Coast weather was perfect and the conference was a huge success.

We caught up with many of our wonderful existing customers, but also met with many potential new customers and demonstrated our products.

We also met with many of our vendor partners and leading industry personalities.

We would like to thank all of those who took the time to visit our booth.

Methsof at PAC12

Methsof exhibited at PAC12 in Melbourne.

We had the opportunity to meet with many existing and potential customers, and to demonstrate and talk about our products.

We also got to meet and chat with other companies who were exhibiting their products and service, and we spoke to a number of industry personalities and leaders.

+61 (03) 9867 2785.